
Department Title Post Date End Date
International Procurement Department - Generation, Power Plant Development and Renewable Energy Segment ANNOUNCEMENT OF CANCELLATION OF INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. EGAT 1/2564-SRTP SURAT THANI POWER PLANT BLOCK 1-2 PROJECT 2025-02-06 2025-03-06
International Procurement Department - Generation, Power Plant Development and Renewable Energy Segment CANCELLATION OF INVITATION FOR BIDS NO. EGAT 2/2564-SBAP (SOUTH BANGKOK POWER PLANT (ADDITIONAL) PROJECT) 2025-02-06 2025-05-31
International Procurement Department - Transmission Segment Announcement for Invitation to Bid No. BBS1-TX-01 (Supply of 165 MVA 230 kV Power Transformer) 2025-02-07 2025-10-11
International Procurement Department - Transmission Segment Draft TOR for Invitation to Bid No. TIEC-TX-10 (Supply of 50 MVA 115 kV Power Transformer) 2025-02-07 2025-02-13
Customs and International Procurement Department - Fuel and Power Business Segment Medium Cost - Supply of Accessory Parts for "Siemens" Gas Turbine Model V94.3A (PF67027) 2025-02-07 2025-03-09
Customs and International Procurement Department - Fuel and Power Business Segment Final Evaluation Result - Supply of Accessory Parts for "Siemens" Gas Turbine Model V94.3A (PB67027) 2025-02-07 2025-03-09
International Procurement Department - Transmission Segment Announcement for Invitation to Bid No. IRS3-TS12-TIEC-TILS-MJ2-01 (Supply of Power Circuit Breaker and/or Disconnecting Switch) 2025-02-10 2025-08-30
International Procurement Department - Generation, Power Plant Development and Renewable Energy Segment Two (2) Sets - Digital Output Card, Type : LTD112A for Card DO (RTB) 2025-02-11 2025-03-11
International Procurement Department - Generation, Power Plant Development and Renewable Energy Segment Two (2) Sets - Digital Output Card, Type : LTD112A for Card DO (RTB) 2025-02-11 2025-03-11
International Procurement Department - Transmission Segment Supplemental Notice No. 2 for Invitation to Bid No. VKS1-SWG-01 (Supply of 115 kV Compact Switchgear) 2025-02-11 2025-08-15